Monday 2 March 2009

3/4s of the way there!

Today marks week 30 of being pregnant and I'm elated to say I hopefully only have 10 weeks to go. 10 weeks doesn't seem so bad, after all 10 weeks ago was Christmas, right? And that doesn't seem so long ago so hopefully the time will pass just as quickly and the baby will be here before we know it. The baby kicks a lot now and his kicks and punches are big enough to be noticed from the outside-as in you can see my tummy moving which is really weird. He seems to LOVE chocolate and gets really active when I have it which is fairly often I hate to say... On the whole my attitude has been improved, I was going through some early postpartum for awhile there but am feeling a lot more positive and looking forward to the changes coming in our lives.

This Saturday we move house and as of today I also have just 6 weeks of work left. I couldn't have been pregnant at a better time, the recession has hit hard in the U.K. and being a recruiter has turned into a somewhat depressing job, especially in the design industry which is viewed as a luxury by many companies here in London. In 2 weeks we (hopefully) leave for Ireland to celebrate Mark's Mum's birthday (how's your luck-Irish and born on St. Patrick's Day, hence the name Patricia!). I say hopefully because I'm really hoping the GP let's me take the short flight there (I will be 32 weeks pregnant); my midwife mentioned something about being in a plane can cause your water to break early and whilst I love going to Ireland, I really don't want our baby to be born there so early!

Still no luck on renting our flat which is becoming a little stressful. This weekend Mark and I did more furniture shopping-he managed to sell almost all of the "bachelor pad" style stuff (picture red glossy t.v. units, black suede couches, etc.) we had to someone at work so we got a gorgeous new linen couch and are on the search now for a few more pieces to complete the new house. We started packing on Saturday and I have to say that it's a whole different experience when you're pregnant-I feel frustrated that I can't do as much as I would like and know Saturday will be tough when the guys are moving and I'm stuck with cleaning duties and not able to do much else!

Wish us luck and have a great week x


The Haigh's said...

I can't believe you're 30 weeks already - that is crazy. Have Mark take some belly pics so that you can post them.

Keri said...

So exciting that your moving this weekend! That went by so fast! Can't wait to see pictures of the new place. Hopefully you're able to go to Ireland for your last vacation before being a mummy. I decided not to go on my trip (St. Martin for Pres. Club) because I'll be 30 weeks but it'll be a 9 hour flight. Too scary. Love you and miss you always.

Tara Holmes said...

Yeah! No more bachelor pad furniture. :) Isn't it crazy how grown up we are all becoming so fast. Bet the dance party at the wedding wouldn't have been so wild with 4 preggers on there. Good luck moving. It did suck having Justin do all the boxes and me behind cleaning because he got to take "breaks" and leave (in my eyes), while I stayed and scrubbed. I love you!!!

Natalie said...

I can't believe you are already 30 weeks. It seems to have gone by so fast. I hope you are doing good and get to take it easy. I couldn't imagine moving right now. We moved when Jordan was 3 months old and that was bad enough :)

Jeanne said...

My mother flew to Thailand 8 months pregnants with my sister and nothing happened to her. So I'd like to think that a 1 hour flight (?) will be ok. You need some belly pics - Ash is right.