Monday 16 March 2009


No, I didn't spend the weekend watching the movie and dreaming about vineyards in Napa-it's in fact the position in which Baby Verghese is in the womb at the moment. Last Thursday I went to our local doctor for my 31-week appointment with the intent of also getting a note from her allowing me to fly to Ireland for the weekend as we were going to surprise Mark's Mum for her birthday. All checked out fine, the iron levels in my blood are "fantastic" and despite my massive size, I'm still fine on the blood sugar side. When it came time to listen to baby's heart beat it was loud and strong but when I asked the doctor if she could tell how the baby was sitting she said that he is is the "transverse lie" position which means he is literally sideways in the womb (see: By now (today marks the start of week 32) he should be pointing head down and the concern is that as the days go on and he gets bigger, it becomes less comfortable for him to move into the "ready position" and more and more we face the reality of looking at having a C-section which is my biggest fear.

Next steps will be to wait until my 34-week appointment on March 25th at the hospital to see if he's moved yet and if he hasn't then they will likely want to do another ultra sound to see what's going on. We can opt to have a doctor try to manually move him from the outside which has a 50% success rate, apparently it involves him guiding the baby into a sort of reverse somersault which sounds really... comfortable (hardly!). If by 36-weeks he still hasn't moved then we will have to book ourselves in for the C-section. Luckily his positioning isn't of harm to him but it has made me quite uncomfortable!

So in the end Mark & I didn't get to join the rest of the family in Ireland to surprise Pat for her birthday which is on St. Patrick's Day. Quite disappointing as I love going back to Tralee to see Mark's extended family (his Mum is 1 of 12 and in true Catholic fashion they all have at least 3 kids each so Mark has something like 40 cousins living in Tralee who now have kids of their own!) but we will go again late this summer or early fall to have the baby blessed at the church there. We did spend a lot of time in the nursery though and it's almost there-can't wait to post pictures when our Internet at home is working.

Hope you all had a great weekend, enjoy your week x


Unknown said...

Hi Jen! I had a c-section with the twins and I loved it. No contractions, in and out of surgery and my scar is very very small, you can't see it. It took a couple days to walk, but I was fine. I just wanted to try to make you not as scared or nervous if that's the route you have to go! It's nice to know that things are going well for you! oh, I love the name Callum...i thought about that name for my son.

Leah said...

The attorney I work for tried the "manipulation" as she called it because her baby was breach. FYI, she did say it was pretty uncomfortable, but not long lasting. She had no success with the manipulation (I think it's more difficult when they are breach?) and had a c-section with no difficulties.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you either way : )
Bummer you missed out on Ireland - but that is so great you are having him blessed there!

Natalie said...

I wouldn't have the DR try to move him. My friend's baby was breach and they tried to move her and she said it was the most painful thing ever and she never moved. I had a c-section with Jordan and was scared out of my mind because I didn't read anything about it. It went great and I was up and walking in no time. I also loved that I got to stay at the hospital for 4 days. I already have my next c-section scheduled :) You still have time so I hope he moves head down soon, but don't worry about a c-section, they aren't that bad :D

Jen said...

Thanks for the comments Mums-makes me feel better to hear it first hand rather then read it in the book. Just very overwhelming thinking about going in for surgery and not even having the option to try naturally. Seriously, thanks but fingers and toes still crossed that he sorts himself out! x

thuriks said...

I think he will get himself straightened out in there you have lots of time! Try not to think about it either way because when it comes down to it, it will just happen the way it's supposed to in the end. No need to worry. Both options are safe which is the most important thing to worry about! The good thing about a C-Section is you know when he will arrive so you can be as prepared as you are ever going to be~ Can't wait to see nursery. Your doing such a good job Momma!

Keri said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for your appt on the 25th. Hopefully the little bugger has moved for you! Did you get the pics I sent of Westyn yesterday? She is beautiful! Can't wait to see pictures of your nursery - I just posted mine! I love you.