Wednesday 4 March 2009

Baby names.... Your help needed!

Almost as often as I get asked if I'm having twins (seriously) I get asked what name we've given our baby boy. A couple of months ago it wasn't such a big deal that we didn't know but as we're getting closer and closer we're having a harder time deciding one one of the three names we've shortlisted and we were hoping you could help. I would love to hear your thoughts/comments/votes on the names below. Mark and I have been "trialing" these names-each week we pick one and instead of calling the baby "baby" we call him by one of the names. This still hasn't helped. Can't wait to hear your thoughts x

Aiden. Irish name meaning "little fire" which seems appropriate as I think our little boy will inherit this from his parents. Have loved this name ever since Aiden of Sex in the City fame as he was her best boyfriend ever in my opinion. Apparently Aiden was the most popular name for boys in the U.S. in 2006.

Callum. Irish name, meaning "dove". Callum was the 13th most popular boy's name in the UK in 2006, but is extremely rare in the US (according to one website). Negative to this name is it being shortened to "Cal" when we come to America.

Sam (not Samuel). Meaning is "God heard". Can't be shortened and cute for a boy, but is this an adult's name? Does anyone know a grown up named Sam?


loriefleur said...

HI Sweetie, I vote for Sam or Aiden. (Yes, I know a few adult Sam's and it seems very normal.)Aiden is an extrememly popular name here ( My new nephew's name as well) Based on the fact that Jake's name turned out to be overly popular, I guess it would be safe, but you may tire of 3 other Aiden's in his class. Is "Evan" a name that you like? I haver no idea what it means . . . :)

Shelby said...

Ooh good choices! My vote is for Aiden or Callum. But I'm leaning more toward Aiden. Best of luck! I think you've got a winner in all three names :) XOXO

Natalie said...

I love all 3 names!! I vote for Aiden. You could do Aiden Sam Verghese unless you already have a middle name picked out. I don't know any Aiden's but I know a lot of Austin's.

Leah said...

I know 3 little boys named Aiden, but I don't know any Callums. Honestly, I like all 3, and that's probably no help, huh?

If I had to pick, I'd vote for Callum. And I only say that because Leah is a girls name, so you can't name him after me...

Love you!

Jen said...

Thanks for the votes & comments so far, girls-almost confuses us more! Hadn't realised Aiden was so popular in America. Yes, Lorie-we did have Evan on the list (I love that name!) but Mark decided it sounded too "poncy". Maybe I can talk him back into it ;).

The Haigh's said...

I vote for Callum. I know you don't really like the nickname of Cal but I think it is a really strong name and very cute.

Misty Carpinito said...

That's a tough choice! I like all 3 too! I have always loved the name Sam (Sammy when he is little). But, I really like unique and strong. Whatever you decide he will own it I am sure. You can't go wrong with that list!

Jeanne said...

I love all three. But perhaps you can wait till your little one comes and you can see which fits him best?

thuriks said...

You have a tough choice. I love Callum. I also like Aiden,it is very popular but so were both
of our names growing up & it doesn't seem to matter a bit now. Maybe narrow down to two & wait to see what he looks like when he arrives.

Tara Holmes said...

I like Aiden...he'll always go first in ABC order too! Bonus!

Keri said...

Such a hard decision. I say Callum or Aiden. Callum is more unique but Aiden doesn't have a nickname you don't like. You just have to decide which disadvantage matters more to you. Good luck and let us know as soon as you pick!