Wednesday 29 October 2008

We're having a baby!!

Yes, that's right-we're pregnant! After 3 months of not really believing it was true, we got confirmation on Monday with our first ultra sound that there is in fact a baby in my chubby little tummy. Things have been almost too easy so far, other than feeling like I want to go to bed every night at 8.30 I've had very few pregnancy symptoms (knock on wood!).

I had seen my "GP" (general practitioner in the UK, your local doctor that you go to for general issues) when we first took the test 6 weeks ago and when I showed up it was the first time I had used the "free" UK health care system. Fully expecting blood tests and the works like what some of you guys in Seattle have had, I was shocked to have more of what was an interview and when the doctor told me there would be no tests because they use the same ones you would use at home, I was a bit disappointed and worried.

A couple weeks ago I went to the hospital where we are scheduled to have the baby and met with a mid-wife. Again, I totally expected some tests, poking and prodding, the works! But nothing. Mark and I honestly felt there was a slim chance that at our ultrasound appt. on Monday they might not find anything in there!

Thank God, there was in fact a little, healthy baby. Mark has pointed out that so far "it" has his legs (like sticks!) and my belly (or at least what it looks like right now). Our estimated due date is May 13, 2009 (almost Mother's Day my Mom pointed out) and we have our 2nd ultrasound when we get to find out the baby's sex on Dec. 22nd-just in time for Christmas!