As Calum gets older he is turning into quite the comedian and lately has been an endless source of entertainment for Mark & I. Last week we tried giving Calum rice cereal for the first time which was absolutely hilarious, his facial expressions were priceless. He's turned into quite the entertainer with his new fake cough as well, he's now learned that if he fakes a coughing fit Mommy or Daddy will come running in a state of panic to make sure he's okay and he's then got an instant audience. Yesterday Mark and I went out to breakfast and then for a walk in Greenwich Park and along the way he seemed to think Mark was absolutely hilarious, rewarding us with laughs and giggles which still bring tears to my eyes every time I hear them, I swear there is no sweeter sound. Mark's Mum watched Calum on Saturday night so Mark and I could go on a much needed date and apparently he loved the audience he had for his bath, laughing away until it ended in tears from too much excitement.
I would love to think Calum is unique and that these are the first little signs of his personality but I hate to say that I think these experiences are pretty common for most other Moms out there and within the Mummy groups I'm part of who also have babies at this age. It does seem however that Calum is quite the socialable baby, when we go to baby yoga or when we had the girls and their babies over the past few weeks for our baby massage class he just loves smiling and talking to other babies and he definitely is more vocal then the other babies we know. Funnily enough he seems to have warmed more to baby boys which has got Mark worried that poor Calum might be gay ;)!!! Regardless of whether or not these little signs of personality are or are not "real", I've been loving every single day more then the next with my handsome little boy and am counting the days until we are home and he gets to meet my friends and family.
Hope you all have a great week x
How funny, Mark is just paranoid - wait until Calum meets Westyn, then you won't have anything to worry about. As much as each baby is an extreme individual, Westyn also fake coughs but once I notice she starts smiling, they will do anything to get attention. She has now taken to fake crying and it is so funny. I CANNOT wait until these two little munchkins get to meet.
CUTE! i love all your little laughing stories. gives me something to look forward to besides tears. you have to tell me about baby massage, i want a baby group. xoxo
So cute! Love that little sweater he's wearing!!
I guess I didn't realize how close Miles and Calum are...he's just too cute!
I definitely think personality can appear even at this early of age!! Callum is going to be a funny little boy! I bet his laugh is adorable - I can't wait to hear it. I am counting down the days. So glad you are doing a "mums group" - I don't know what I'd do without our little "baby group" to share stories with and ask questions. We are so lucky to have each other and go through this amazing time together!
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