Or roughly 150 days, anyway-that's how long Calum has blessed my life as today he is 5 months old. I don't usually do mushy posts but I have to say I'm a little nostalgic about him reaching this milestone as it just seems impossible that he's grown this fast. We have one of those digital picture frames in our living room and since I don't have much time these days it hasn't been updated with recent pics and features mostly pics of Calum from the first month or two. I actually find myself getting teary eyed (could be the glass or two of wine I have been consuming some nights recently!) when watching the pictures of the past few months flash by. Could he have ever been that small?! He doesn't even look like the same baby, Calum used to be brown with masses of dark hair and looked somewhat small, these days he's blonde with blue eyes, has skin my color and looks like he ate his former self!
Life has changed a lot since he came into my world. Every morning I wake up excited to go into his room to say hello, the smiles he gives are priceless and these days he even lets me have a little cuddle before getting him changed and ready to take Mark to the station. The highlight of my afternoons is now his bath and massage when we get quality time together before Dad the entertainer comes home (I so obviously come second place when Mark is around!). We don't go out to eat near as often as we used to after having far too many meals result in me standing and rocking Calum while Mark shovels down his meal so I have my turn to eat, but I really don't mind having take away and sitting together on the couch watching a movie just the three of us.
When we last had him weighed two weeks ago he was a whopping 18lbs 8 oz, so I'm sure he's well into the 19s now. He's only formula fed these days but thriving and seems to love the few tastes he's had of apples & pears, sweet potatoes (what a mess!), and banana porridge. Calum continues to crave attention and will smile at anyone who smiles at him. Yesterday at the movie he wouldn't stop flirting with the Mums around us, it's like our own little version of the Graduate! I guess this might help alleviate any fears Mark still has about him being gay!
Anyway, Calum told me today about how excited he is to see Mommy's home town and meet lots of new baby friends and aunties and Grandma and Grandpa (and his Great Grandparents in Montana!) and I am, too. We have lots to do to prepare for our trip but I can't wait. See you soon x
I really can't believe how much he has changed since he was born, he definitely looks like your child now. I still think it's so funny that you use the term 'brown'. Sweet post Jen, give him some kisses for me.
I like the part where you said he "ate his former self." Cute. He is just the most perfect baby and I love how he gives you some snuggle time too. Take-out (take-away for you) food is what we live on these days. :) You are a sweet mommy.
Wow -the skin color change is incredible! I laughed out loud at the part where you said you "stand rocking him while Mark shovels down his food as fast as he can" - We have totally been there (still are!) I can't count how many times we've cut a meal out short...so much easier to stay home! Can't wait to see you and your little blondie (and Mark too):)
I cannot believe how much he has grown. He's such a little cutie! I can't wait to see him. Not too much longer now!
Geez...he's SO cute!!! He's already bigger than Miles for sure.
You won't believe it, we had him weighed yesterday and he's actually now 19lbs 9oz!! Such a monster!
He is such a cutie!! I can't believe how much he has changed. He totally looks like you :) I am glad that you guys are doing good. It would be fun to get our babies together when you come into town.
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