Our little Calum is growing like a weed and it's breaking my heart! Tomorrow he will unbelievably already be 3 weeks old and I just can't figure out where time has gone. Getting him dressed over the past two days he's already starting to outgrow some of his newborn clothes and fit into the 0-3 month size.
Today I took Calum down the road to the Willows Clinic which is where his health care visitor is based (this is his own designated nurse who will be with him until he reaches school age). They run a clinic there Tuesdays and Thursdays for babies and we are supposed to take him there every week for the next month or two to have him weighed. We can also discuss any issues or concerns we have with our nurse and it's a chance to meet other Mums. In a couple of weeks I will also join a local group of Mums who have babies of similar age to Calum which will hopefully help with some of the isolation I've been feeling and allow me to make new friends with similar interests (babies!). Calum weighed in at 9lbs 8oz, up from 8 lbs 11 oz last Thursday which means he's eating well and plotting at just about the 50th percentile for his age group. I couldn't believe the size of some of the babies being weighed in at the clinic, I guess I've just gotten so used to Calum's size as these babies seemed like giants!
Unfortunately the health care visitor thought Calum was still looking a little jaundiced so we've been sent back to the hospital for an appointment next Wednesday at the Jaundice Clinic. They couldn't really tell me what that would entail other then more blood tests to check his bilirubin levels. I hope and pray he doesn't have to be admitted back into the hospital.
After the clinic I walked all the way into town (about 10 minutes from here) and went to a coffee shop which sounds silly but was the furthest I've walked so far since the C-section and was such a treat. Whilst there I noticed some other Mums having coffee with young babies and while I wish everyday I could be doing the same with my friends in America, I have to say I didn't wish I was with these Mums as they were talking in baby talk and doing my head in! Anyway, it was a great feeling to get out of the house and to get a little freedom and tomorrow I've already spotted a local park I'm going to check out. How exciting my life has become ;)!
Hope you all have a great weekend, we're going to put together Mark's new barbecue and catch up with the Verghese clan. I'm also going to try and sneak a nap or two since Mark will be at home to help watch the little munchkin. Enjoy x
God Jen, He is just gorgeous. I am also loving your updates, keep them coming. Can you even imagine if we could go meet for coffee everyday - that would be heaven. Is he sleeping in his crib at night already or just napping?
He is gorgeous! So glad you are adjusting to mommyhood so well. Congrats again Jen!
Love the last pic what a perfect little baby
It looks like he's smiling in that one picture - what a cutie! I can't wait to hold him. Isn't it funny how the little things make you so happy now....like taking a walk or finding a new park? Life is pretty sweet when you have such a sweet little guy in it. Love you Mummy!
Jen he is so cute. Congrats again.
I seriously love his hair! He's adorable. I laugh that you couldn't handle the baby talk! Sometimes I find it does me in, then I realize I do it to my dogs :)
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