Saturday 7 February 2009

Safari Friends

It's been a long week! Monday morning we woke up to almost a foot of snow in London-the most they have seen in two decades. It was so bad that most of the tube lines were down and none of the buses were running so the whole of London pretty much shut down which meant we got to have a snow day. We spent the day ordering baby stuff online-our rocker, monitor, breast pump and sterilizer, all the necessities (see a few pics below). Tuesday I managed to make it to my theory driving test but failed. I was so disappointed! I got 47/50 on the multiple choice questions but didn't pass on the hazard perception part of the test where you watch videos and click a mouse when you see upcoming hazards. The next available test isn't until Feb. 19th so the pressure is really on now as I can't take the "real" driving test until I've passed this theory test.

Wednesday after work Mark & I went to pick up the baby bedding we picked called "Safari Friends". It was such a fun trip, I'm really starting to be able to visualise the nursery and it was really sweet to see Mark enjoying picking things out and trying to make the trip last as long as possible. Above is a pic of the bedding-we went a bit nuts and got everything in the set from the curtains to the rug so Baby Verghese's room will probably look a lot like this.

Until we find a new place to live all the baby's things will be at Mark's Mum's. We're off today to view four properties so fingers crossed we see something we like. We've already had one offer on our place which wasn't quite what we were looking for so we're getting closer to having the living situation sorted and are still planning a move for early-mid March. Have a great weekend!

Baby's new swing

Cuddle towel for after bath

Nursing chair-the most comfortable chair ever!


The Haigh's said...

I love everything! My rocker came this morning and we put it together in about 10 minutes, it is so comforatble.

Leah said...

Very cute! I like it. That swing looks pretty high-tech.

Rachel Verghese said...

So cute!!! Love the blue bedding and that chair looks so comfy! I always wanted one of them but we never had the room! Cant wait to see baby verghese in his nursery and playing in his rocker!!! So lovely seeing you this evening!

Keri said...

I really like the colors you picked out. That rocker looks very comfy. Sorry about your driving test but I'm sure you'll pass the next one. Love ya

thuriks said...

Love it! Very fancy. Good job on the swing it will be your lifesaver at least it has been for us! I really wanted a chair for the nursery too but we didn't have the room. I still would love one. I think you will be very happy you have that!

Anonymous said...

Keep working on those Hazard perception videos, I'm sure you'll pass next time.

The driving instructor

Tara Holmes said...

I love the bedding/room decor. My nursery will be ghetto fabulous compared to all these fancy ones you ladies have. I think the stuff you picked out is just darling and I love how Mark is getting excited about baby shopping. It will be nice to know the sex so we can do that kind of thing, until then...I'm waiting.