Friday 24 June 2011

Big boy....

The last couple of weeks have had us not only trying to prepare ourselves for babies but also trying to get Calum ready, too.

First step? Moving him into his "new"room AKA the smaller room next door to his "old room". I've been feeling bad about this but as we opted for a toddler bed instead of a twin/single, there is lots of extra room in there and so far he seems pretty happy. The transition to the bed from the crib/cot has been a lot easier then expected, thank God!

Second step? Potty training. We're going with Gina Ford's Potty Training in One Week and starting the first phase slowly, waiting to find a weekend we can devote to not going anywhere so Calum has two full days of training at home before going to nursery for them to pick up where we left off. The first phase has just had him sitting on the potty and getting used to it, we've had a few "successes" and he seems to have the attention span for it so fingers crossed we are successful when we go for it. One less kid in diapers would be a God send.

Third step? Calum spent his first night without either of us last Friday while Mark and I celebrated his birthday early with a night in London. Bliss. Stayed at The Sanderson, spent the day shopping and saw the Hangover 2 and then had dinner and a drink at the very Sex in the City-esq hotel restaurant and bar. Pat, Mark's Mum, stayed here at our house and we came home to a less then excited welcome from Calum who didn't miss us much apparently! I will probably be in the hospital for at least 2-3 nights and hope that Mark will be able to spend lots of time during the day with me (they don't allow for husbands to stay overnight in the maternity ward) so Pat will be spending lots of time with Calum to help is in those first few days and it's great to have peace of mind and know he will be happy and probably won't miss me much, although I will be missing him tons-already tearing up thinking about it!

Otherwise this coming weekend we will start with painting Calum's old room for the babies and spending time online trying to figure out how we're going to decorate it, I'm feeling very unprepared! Have a great week x

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