Tuesday 23 June 2009

Mark's birthday and Father's Day

Sunday the 21st was not only Mark's 34th birthday but also his first Father's Day.... The day started off great because the night before Calum *almost* managed to sleep through the night, not waking me until 5.30 for a feed which was fantastic (of course he hasn't repeated this since!)! Mark told me no one had ever made him a birthday cake before so I woke up early and made his favourite, carrot cake. Mark is notoriously difficult to buy for so I was pleased with the presents I got this year-a series of professional photos of Calum framed and an overnight stay in a nice hotel with his brother and a round of golf the next day.

We went to a lovely lunch in London with Mark's family at his favourite Indian restaurant which was almost perfect bar the fact that he got in a fender bender in the parking lot! The day capped off a lovely weekend (on Saturday Mark's brother and sister in law watched Calum so we could go see Transformers 2 which Mark was dying to see, a birthday present from me to him in itself as I've now had to see two geeky boy movies in a row!) and has left me thinking already about what I'm doing to do for him next year as he will be the big 3-5 and I will be 30! Maybe we might even be able to have an "adult" party and go out like we did last year!

Yesterday I had my 8-week follow up at the doctor and have been given the all clear to start exercise again-yay! Later in the afternoon I had to bring Calum to get his first shots (here they are strictly called immunisations, when I call them shots people look shocked!). He was a little trooper, I think compared to having an IV in hospital and having had his blood taken numerous times this was nothing. Today I'm off to my first post natal group meeting which I'm really looking forward to. I've been dying to meet other local Mums and this first two hour session of five should be a great way to meet new friends and learn about how to be a better Mom.

More soon, have a great week x

My favourite pic from the shoot


Leah said...

Jen, those are gorgeous. I love them. What a wonderful gift!

Misty Carpinito said...

Beautiful pics Jen! He is a gorgeous little boy!

Justin, Jessica, Tyson, Isaiah and now Izzy (Roy too!) said...

Wow! I love the pictures. So precious! Calum is such a cutie pie.

Tara Holmes said...

those pictures are just so beautfiul. I'm glad you have new mommy friends to support you. xoxo

Keri said...

Those pictures are gorgeous! What a great wife and mommy you are. I think Calum looks so much like Mark - amazing how they change every day though. Can't wait to catch up with you - call anytime! Love ya.