Monday 11 April 2011


Some of my fondest memories as a kid are of "helping" my Mom and Grandma Britton (two pretty amazing cooks and bakers). If I had pictures here of my childhood (thanks Dad for letting me store all of my stuff for the last 5 years in your basement!), I would be able to dig out quite a few of me with an apron on, flour on my cheeks, spatula in hand-starting at about age 3 or 4.

Lately I've been feeling the urge to bake and it's become a Sunday morning ritual for Calum and I. While Mark sleeps in, Calum has his breakfast and I bake. Usually I bake one of my Grandma Britton's recipes and usually I bake something that's not so healthy (I am pregnant after all!).

Mother's Day here in the UK was celebrated last Sunday and on this occasion I decided to remember my Grandma and Mom by baking my Grandma's sour cream coffee cake. Calum decided to help.

Love my little baker, here's to hoping he continues because a) I'm going to need a sous chef and assistant soon and Mark has failed miserably and b) I strongly believe men should know how to cook and am going to try my best to instill this in my son so someday he will make a great husband for more reasons than one.

Can you tell I'm kind of bitter that my husband doesn't help in the kitchen ;)?
Calum tried to "help" iron, too but didn't realise the floor didn't need ironing. We're still working on this one, if he could cook and iron, well that would be pretty amazing!


Tara Holmes said...

I LOVE that you are teaching Calum to cook. It is so cute and can you pass over some of your favorite recipes. I need to start baking. I made brownies once and cookies once. My mom was not a baker. I will move in and be your sous chef for sure.

Blyth Family Blog said...

I would love to see you baking as a lil babe, I have a feeling you were pretty damn cute.
Ava and Miles LOVE helping me in the kitchen. We make dinner together every week night. I think it's so great to instill that in your kids, especially the boys! Sorry Mark's not a good help, I'm SO lucky, Galen is an amazing chef, but sometimes I get a little jealous when everyone oos and ahhs over his food and none of our friends think I do anything in the kitchen! ha!
You'll have to post some of your grandma's recipes!!