Monday 4 April 2011

Our little oasis....

When we moved into our "new house" we somehow didn't realise that just behind it was a great little park which has become one of my favourite places to take Calum. As one of my neighbours who is also a Mum has said, it's great because you feel like you have taken the kids somewhere without actually having gotten in the car and gone anywhere (which as you fellow Mom's can appreciate; sometimes the act of getting ready to go is more exhausting than the actual activity at the place you are going to!).

I'm pretty sure I will be doing lots of walking in the park once the babies come, partly so I can try to get back to pre-pregnancy weight and partly because Calum will probably be bored silly from being at home, stuck inside with two screaming babies (hopefully it's not that bad but I'm trying to be realistic!).

Here are a few pics from the park recently, love this little boy-can't believe he's going to be 2 in a couple of weeks!

Calum once again trying to be fiercely independent and balance on this little stand-have a few more like this where he looks like a little bear
"Balancing" with Daddy. And yes, Mark totally wears a leather jacket to the park. Totally normal.


Jeanne said...

Super cute pic of you and Calum!

Tara Holmes said...

LOL about the leather jacket at the park. I'm so jealous of your park backyard. You're never moving home now. I love you!

Keri said...

What a great park! Can you picture Greg in a leather jacket? LOL - only Mark can pull that off and look good.