Wednesday 23 March 2011

Fight club

Just so you know, there won't be any pics for this post. That's because whilst I believe in documenting Calum's growing up years, I think it's probably best to act like this little "phase" in his life never happened, with hopes that it will soon be over and we can act like that's actually the case.

Since Calum was a little baby we always kind of knew he had a temper. Not a big surprise I suppose, he is 1/4 Irish after all and both Mark and I have been known to occasionally lose it (*occasionally*!). Well, in the last month or so this temper has reared it's ugly head to include temper tantrums. These tantrums go beyond him being angry for a second and have progressed into full on kicking, screaming and even hitting matches-the Verghese household has turned into a fight club.

Oh, and it doesn't end there. Last Wednesday when I picked C up from nursery I was asked to sign a form recognising that C had hit another child over the head with a rolling pin in the "home corner". Never mind why they had a rolling pin in there in the first place, I couldn't believe my sweet angel had actually injured another child!

Friday was no better, Mark came home with C to report that he had pushed a few kids and even BITTEN someone! My worst nightmare. I still remember being bitten by some freak at preschool and now my kid is that freak. The bite couldn't have been that bad as we didn't have to sign a form this time but still, biting?!

So we enter the terrible 2s, a full month before C even turns 2. I've been reading all the books/online info I can get my hands on to try and fix this but unfortunately at this age when verbal skills are still limited, it's tough. The "naughty step" which worked brilliantly at first has turned into a joke, Calum no longer even cries when he is sent there and he now thinks it's a game. Am I tempted to get out the wooden spoon as a threat like I had when I was a child? Yes, but there again I'm really not sure what that will solve at this age so I'm feeling stuck. Literally stuck because he's also become a nightmare to bring out in public.

Any suggestions from you Moms out there? I could really use them as I'm at my wits end.

All of that said, the last 2 days with Calum have been brilliant. It's like he knew I was about to lose it and has shown what a great child he can be. Sweet, funny and lots of fun to be with. Don't get me wrong, he's still had a few moments, but I've had to step back and realise that for a few days there I really lost sight of what it was all about. Let's hope he's entered a new phase....


Tara Holmes said...

I have no words of advice...I heard "bite them back" and I tried it once and then Jackson would only bite me so I am not an expert. I am sure it's a phase....I guess just a lot of positive attention helps with kids at school. How could that little angel ever be naughty???

Blyth Family Blog said...

HA! Sorry but this made me laugh :) I can't believe that sweet boy is biting and hitting kids, there's no way. Must be someone elses child!
We had the similar issues with Ava, and Miles is getting into it now too. When we punish Miles he just laughs...I got nothing for ya...but just know that this too shall pass...that's my motto for every parent!

thuriks said...

It's just a phase. I think that right before two kids often go through an aggressive phase because they cannot communicate very well and it's frustrating. But on the other hand they understand so much more what is going on around them so it can be a bit overwhelming. From my experience with the two of mine there is no such thing as an unprovoked bite, hit etc. Someone always does something to piss the other one off to the point of biting or hitting. I just don't think 2 year olds have it in them to actually be mean for no reason. I wouldn't worry as horrifying as it must have been to have the 'naughty' child at daycare I am sure there are kids that do worse but just don't get caught. Hange in there!