Wednesday 30 March 2011

Our News

Me at 12 weeks(!)

Finally, 2 months to the day after finding out I was pregnant and almost 6 weeks after our first scan, I was able to tell the world (okay, Facebook) that Mark and I (and Calum!) are expecting twins!

We decided (okay, I convinced Mark) that we would start trying for #2 after Christmas and just like with Calum, I got pregnant in the 1st month. We got the result the day we went and did Calum's professional pictures and have a nice family shot that kind of captures the day. Of course I was excited but a little shocked that it happened so fast and then the feelings of OMG, can I really cope with 2 under 3 settled in. Along with the guilt of how will I love another baby as much as I love Calum and etc.

A few weeks later I had an early scan done, thinking I had an ectopic pregnancy (convinced, actually). Imagine our SHOCK and Mark's (initial) HORROR when the scanner told us there wasn't just one but two babies in there. As long as Mark and I have been talking about kids he has said that he doesn't want twins so the look on his face (that stayed there for weeks after) said it all.

Two scans later (including a nuchal scan which gave our babies a 1 in 12000 chance of having Downs or and 1 in 22000 of any other abnormal chromosome related disease) and we were able to share our news.

Let's just say, we're still shocked. Me less then Mark because I'm the one carrying these babies and it's easier to bond/get used to the idea when you are reminded constantly of their existence. Mark says all I do/talk about/think about is babies which could be true. I've not been sick at all and am rarely too tired, have been going to the gym still to avoid what happened last time (anyone who saw pictures of me from 6 mos onwards knows what I'm talking about here) and of course, being a Mom to a kind of crazy right now toddler.

The babies due date is October 4th although full term for twins is 37 weeks so since I'm having an elective c-section this time around you could say their due date is more like Sept. 13th. 50% of twins are born in the 35th week which brings us up to August 30th which seems scarily not so far away.

The babies are non identical and have their own placentas and sacs (maybe TMI, sorry!) which is the safest way to carry them as they don't compete as much for food. There is a 50% chance we are having a boy/girl, 25% girl/girl and 25% boy/boy. Let's not think about option 3 right now because that's more then I can really handle but knowing us, will probably be the outcome :).

Either way, we are blessed. That's all I can say and that's just how I feel. Having been an only child I always kind of dreamed about having a big family but never really saw myself as a Mom of 3, now that it's a reality I love thinking about how our house will never be quiet, how fun our holidays will be as they get older and how special it is that they will all have each other.

Anyway, thought I would share a few pics along with our news:
Both babies at 9 wks 4 days (2nd scan, March 10)
Twin 2, 12 wks 6 days
Twin 1, 12 wks 6 days


Anonymous said...

OMG Jen I am so happy for you. You look amazing. I cant wait to hear what you are having and see how this journey goes for you guys. Congrats!

Stacie said...

You look adorable! Congrats to you three (five!) I'm guessing girl/boy! :)

Erin said...

Jen you look adorable!! So excited for you. I'm with Stacie and guessing boy and girl. No matter what you have they're going to be absolutely gorgeous like your little man.

Jeanne said...

Jen - I am so excited for you and Mark and Calum. You look fantastic and glowy and beautiful...and no worries about working out, just say no to croissants. Love you!

Tara Holmes said...

This is the best news. How lucky you are to have twins. I love the idea of them as playmates and your bustling family. Congrats again and you look amazing!

Loosy said...

You're beautiful.
You're carrying not one but TWO gifts.
Calum is about to have besties for life.
So, SO exciting!

The Haigh's said...

I'm sitting here in tears just thinking about this miracle that you have two babies growing inside of you. Still in shock, and will be for a long time and Holy Hell your belly is crazy at 12 weeks. So Exciting.

thuriks said...

Jen what a beautiful post! Your little bump is amazing and to think you have those two little babies growing away inside there just makes me get goosebumps! So excited to follow you on this journey and as a fellow twin-momma I will be one of your biggest cheerleaders along the way. You can do it!! Can't believe how much like babies they already look like in your 12wks scan. It's going to be one crazy journey. Get ready for the fun!!! I know I have told you a million times but twins seriously are the biggest blessing. I cannot imagine not having had twins. They are each others BFF.

Jen said...

Oh, thanks for all of your comments girls! The next few years are going to be rewarding in more ways then we can probably even imagine but for now I guess I'm just focussed on enjoying what short period of life as we know it is left before I get so big I can't move and before we encounter what will probably be months of sleepless nights again. Will be looking to all of you for laughts and support and blog stalking x

Jen Deming Lee said...

I know I wrote to you on FB but it's fun reading scoop behind the "news" I have a high school friend who is about to have her twin girls. I'm guessing you'll have one of each. Will you find out? Take care!