Tuesday 21 September 2010


This weekend we went on a mini shopping spree. It would seem that my 17 month old son was in need of a new wardrobe even though he spends 75% of his time at home in sweats or PJs, Mark and I still felt the need to spend some serious cash outfitting him in all of the latest fall styles as well as a few new pairs of shoes now that he's walking (how cute are baby Converse?!). I have to admit, I actually think I prefer shopping for Calum-guess it takes me back to when I was a little girl and dressing up my dolls, it's fun to play dress up with Calum and he even seems to enjoy it although we found out that having a baby who thinks he can walk makes trips to the mall in a stroller a lot harder than they were before. We're about thisclose to investing in a pair of reigns.

Anyway, in addition to Calum's new fall wardrobe we also treated him to a slide. Calum loves slides and when we go to the park he zeros in on them immediately, crying and throwing a fit when he is separated from his favorite toy. I've become a bit thrifty lately and been using this site here in the UK called NetMums where you can source some great barely used stuff so we managed to get him one for £10 and it's been brilliant (if only he could learn how to get himself up the ladder and onto his bottom himself-it's a serious work out for Mom!). Perfect for those rainy days that are right around the corner when we're stuck inside.
Oh, and what else does a 17 month old baby need? His own chair of course! Mark and I went to this local nursery last weekend and Calum fell in love with this little camping chair which now adorns our newly decorated grown up living room which is slowly looking more and more like Calum's playroom next door... When we put him in it at the store Mark said to me it really hit him for the first time that he's not a baby anymore but a little boy and I have to say, he does look pretty grown up sitting there all on his own.

My new chair

At the nursery on the nature trail

Otherwise over the last week or so we've been going through the tireless process of trying to find a new childcare option since we won't have Mark's Mum any longer from January. We've seen 3 daycares (called nursuries here) and met with 2 childminders which are like nannies who operate from their own house and are regulated by the government so background checked and etc. and required to follow a ciriculum with the children. The first thing I've realised is how expensive they are-even though we only need him to be watched 3 days a week we are still looking at about £600/month which is about double what we've been paying Mark's Mum so the pressure will be on me even more to be making placements. I've also realised how much of a control freak/neat freak I am and how hard it's going to be for me to let go and enter into this next stage of Calum's life. A couple of the places we've seen I wouldn't leave my dog in (if I had one), let alone my precious child. I worry about how much time he will be spending with someone who isn't family, someone I don't really know and how much that person will shape his life. Most of all I wonder how I will get through those 3 days a week with only seeing him in the morning and then for dinner and a bath when he gets home at night.

On the more exciting front, work is going really well and I had a great meeting with an old client last week which has really helped boost my confidence. Mark is in the process of signing a lease for new offices where he and his partner will move their staff which is super exciting, I'm so proud of how well he's done in such a short period of time and hope it will continue and he can deliver on his promise that we can move back to the US in the next 5 years. In the next week or two we're booking our tickets back to Seattle for either Thanksgiving or sometime around Christmas so it will be nice to have that to look forward to again and I know the trip will come up before we know it. Have a great week x


Jeanne said...

Yay - holidays with the Vergheses! I forsee drinking too much at the Thuriks one night...you know I'm right! But side note - Calum does look older - they are all in the fast growing stage. Please continue to post pics regularly of all of you - love them!

thuriks said...

Yes can't wait to see you guys sometime before the end of the year. Calum is so stinkin cute. What a big boy. I think you should do a little fashion show with all his new outfits for us in pictures? Please?!!!!

Blyth Family Blog said...

I love that you spend so much $$ on your kid like I do. There are just some things you can't pass up! At least you have Mark on your side...I usually have to hide all my baby purchases from Galen!!