Monday 9 November 2009

Growing up....

As I write this post Calum is blissfully sleeping in his crib ("cot").... Not a big deal for most babies but this is the first time he's slept in his room for his naps since he was a little baby and I have to say, why haven't I been doing this all along?! This morning I was able to bang around downstairs doing laundry and getting ready and I didn't have to tip toe around like usual. Most importantly, I don't have to worry about him rolling off the couch (where he normally sleeps for naps) now that he rolls. When I put him down he was asleep within minutes although it helped that he had his little comforter with him, a muslin which he has taken to sleeping with which is probably not a great thing but keeps him asleep every night and allows him to put himself to sleep rather then a pacifier or feed.
Looking like a little boy in his crib

Yes, Calum has been a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to being active which probably isn't much of a surprise considering his size (20lbs 15oz when he was last weighed on 10/22). He didn't start rolling over until he was almost to the 6 month mark and only last week figured out how to roll back to his back, doing a full 360 (although he can't always remember how to get back onto his back and I still have to "rescue" him about 50% of the time). Now when we put him on the floor to play he loves to roll all over the place and has progressed to being able to get to toys that are out of his reach. I'm not sure if he will crawl or walk first but it's fun to see him learning new things and being more active.

We've really made some progression on eating solids and he's now eating two meals a day which has been messy to say the least but fun for us both trying new things. The books say that by the end of this month he should be on 3 meals a day and 3 bottles a day which seems like such a change. Weaning has been a confusing thing for me, and I'm still not quite sure if I'm feeding Calum too much but I guess we will just keep learning as we go.
Loving banana in his "Nuby"

It just seems like Calum is growing up really fast now, that he's more of a little person and less of a baby. He's got a distinct, boisterous personality that keeps us entertained and for the most part is still pretty easy going and cries very infrequently. Now that he's growing up I find myself growing up too, and really thinking more about getting out and doing more things for me. Mark and I have agreed that I'm going to go back to work in a part time capacity in January and this week I'm going out with some girlfriends (minus Mark) in London for the first time since WAY before Calum was born.

We've got a busy week capped off with Calum's Christening on Sunday, should be fun! x


Natalie said...

Jen he is so cute and is getting so big. I think he looks so much like you :) Taylor will be 6 months on the 15th and has only rolled over twice. So she is a late bloomer too.

Leah said...

He's just too much!! Love him. Hope the christening went well!

Stacie said...

He is just so so cute Jen!