Friday 30 October 2009

Before and after

In Seattle we put Calum in a highchair for the first time and ever since he's loved it (and it's allowed us to almost get through a meal without having to pick him up!) so when we got home we decided it was time to get him one of his own. As he's also passed the 6 month mark, this is the time when doctors advise that you should start your baby on solid foods. For some reason I was really looking forward to giving Calum food but as you can see from the pictures above, it's messy (which is why I've started feeding him in his diaper!)!! I'm also a massive neat freak so this is especially difficult for me; everytime the poor baby sits down to eat we go through a roll of paper towels and we already need to wash the straps after only a week! Never the less, it is fun and I love to see his reaction to new foods. His favorite so far is a combo of vanilla, blueberry and banana and least favorite was cheesy vegetables (which I wouldn't have eaten, either!). Whilst we're enjoying this it did make me a bit sad when we went to buy the highchair, it's like saying goodbye to yet another chapter of his babyhood and another realisation that he's getting older each day. Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween! x


Justin, Jessica, Tyson, Isaiah and now Izzy (Roy too!) said...

Haha! Calum is soooo adorable!

Blyth Family Blog said...

These are such cute pics! That face he's making in the top pic is priceless!!

Blyth Family Blog said... need a dog, they're great at cleaning up baby messes!!

Tara Holmes said...

I am in love with that first picture too! I get sad every time I put away clothes that used to fit. They grow so fast. I can't wait to talk to you about all your baby recipes. xoxo Calum is such a hunk!