Monday 6 February 2012

Five months

On January 27th the twins were 5 months old. Having Calum reminds me that each month that goes by gets even better and more rewarding but also more work. I will never forget having a rough day with Calum in the grocery store one day when a woman told me that every stage gets better but is more work, in a different way and she couldn't have been more right. Whilst we're not waking in the middle of the night for feeds anymore, the babies are definitely requiring more interaction and stimulation although we are lucky in that some of that they are getting from each other these days-for the last couple of weeks they have been very interested in each other which is pretty cute.

The two babies couldn't be more different, not only in the way they look, but also in their habits and personalities. Evan is still my little star at night, never waking and sleeping straight through from 7.30 pm to 8 am. Sometimes I hear him earlier, babbling to himself contentedly in his crib which is pretty sweet. During the day he is a bit trickier, never one to take a dummy (pacifier) and very cautious of his older brother although lately he has been smiling at him more and warming to his attempts at trying to play. This week I am going to try giving Evan some baby cereal between bottles to see how it goes, he's definitely got the bigger appetite of the two and seems a little less content over the last week or so in between feeds.

Sienna is as cheeky as her older brother and has a smile for anyone who smiles at her. She's loud (doing a lot of cat calling lately, literally squeals like a cat which is cute at first but a little embarrassing as she goes on....) and blowing raspberries like they are going out of style. She's more adventurous than Evan, having already figured out how to roll over and actually seeking out attention from Calum (which inevitably leads to him attacking). Unfortunately whilst she's easy to put down at night, she is still waking every night with her breathing problems and our appointment to see the ear, nose and throat specialist is a very long way away on Feb. 23rd.

Calum continues to be full of energy and laughs. If he isn't literally bouncing off the walls or ripping through his toys (also quite literally), he has been happy lately to sit down and watch movies which of course is a double edged sword-great for a bit of rest for me and the babies but also a slippery slope in terms of me turning into the Mom who just sits their kids in front of the tv all day. He's obsessed with Finding Nemo and Happy Feet (thank God Cars and Cars 2 has been shelved for now!) and even loves Transformers which he's only allowed to watch with Daddy.

So that's us for now. Feeling like I could be a lot better about blogging and should be, too so am definitely going to try to make a start at more posts this month. x


Brie said...

I don't know how you do it Jen! Amazing! :)

thuriks said...

Love hearing how things are going! They are such mini-me's excited to catch up soon. Lets plan a phone date. xo