Saturday 7 January 2012

We're a little late...

Sienna and I on Xmas Day and the boys and their matching outfits....

But on December 27th the babies were 4 months old. We all survived Christmas (barely!), which was at our house this year; with kids Mark's immediate family now totals 14! Was a lovely day though, Calum turned into a green eyed monster towards the end after opening so many gifts but seeing him take it all in really made Christmas special this year.

So, Sienna and Evan have now been around for a third of a year. Our night nanny has come and gone and Evan is still sleeping through every night (from their last feed at 10 until about 8). Unfortunately Sienna has a permanent stuffy nose which wakes her every night by about 1 a.m. and keeps us up intermittently until the morning despite trying nose sprays, drops and a vaporizer. Bummer because if both were able to sleep through, things would be almost perfect (if only someone could tame Calum's endless amounts of energy which are frequently coupled with boredom which makes for one stressed out Mom).

In the last week the babies seem to have become aware of each other-if you sit them face to face they smile at each other and have little chats which is pretty cute. Evan seems to be the bigger chatter, he babbles quite a bit although more to things (whilst on his playmat, in the swing, etc.)rather than people whereas Sienna likes to talk to us when we talk to her.

Calum has lost interest in trying to squish the babies at any chance but still loves to greet them every morning and has been caught trying to ram things (cars, puzzle pieces, etc.) into their hands anytime I turn my back, dying for the day when they can finally play with him and keep him company. His vocabulary has come leaps and bounds (which also unfortunately includes some words not appropriate for an almost 3 year old but which we can't seem to erase from his vocabulary no matter how hard we try) and he continues to be the boss-not only at home but even when we're out and about and he meets other kids. He's also obsessed with rules and being orderly, as well as cleanliness (as in, makes me change his shirt if it gets wet, freaks out when there is any dropped food on his placemat, doesn't let me help tidy up his toys....).

I had the kids weighed last week and here's where they stand:

Calum (2 years and 9 months):

Weight = 36lbs (91st percentile), height = 35 inches (30th percentile) = ONE STOCKY KID

Sienna (19 weeks):

Weight = 11 lbs 13 oz (5th percentile compared to other girls at 19 weeks, 25th percentile compared to girls who are the same prematurity and age as her). Teeny tiny!

Evan (19 weeks):

Weight = 14lbs 4 oz (20th percentile compared to other boys his age, 80th compared to other boys who would be the same prematurity and age as him). Calum was about 18 lbs at Evan's age, quite the difference!

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