Monday 28 February 2011

Calum's New Room

Hard to believe we've lived in our "new" house for 9 months now. When I look around there are still a million little things I want to do but it just seems like all of that energy we had when we moved in to make it how we wanted it has faded and things seem to happen slowly but surely now. My "honey to do list" is more imaginary then real as our weekends seem to go by in the blink of an eye and the enthusiasm Mark showed for his tool box has also waned.

Anyway, I digress.

Calum's room had been a little neglected so a few weeks ago we finally got around to updating it. He's at a hard age where he's not quite ready for "big boy" stuff but then he's not really a baby anymore, either. We found this retro German print from the 70s and liked the way it kind of funked up his room without being too cutesy/predictable (read: airplanes, cars, sports, etc.). I think the pattern kind of freaked him out for awhile because the first few nights he didn't sleep so great but now every morning when I go in to his room he is so excited to point out to me the colours he knows (blue and yellow at the moment) and the pictures he recognises (ducks, trains, cars, etc.).

Yeah, the nursing chair is still in there. We still use it every once in awhile (not for nursing obv!) but are going to take it out in April when we move his beloved teepee from his downstairs playroom into his room to be replaced with the table and chairs we got him for his birthday.

1 comment:

Tara Holmes said...

Calum's room is SO cute!! You have a gift for decorating. You always think of every detail! I love it! AND I'm so impressed Calum knows 2 colors...he must be genius.