On Thursday Calum had his 8 month check up which was a little delayed due to all the snow we've been having lately (worst winter in decades, aren't I lucky?!). Before we went I was genuinely thinking that Calum had slimmed down a bit but it turns out I was wrong. Our little boy isn't so little! His stats are:
Weight: 25 lbs 8 oz (99th percentile)
Length: 73.5 cm (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 49.1 cm (99th percentile)
So as the nurse nicely put it, his weight and head size are proportionate with each other but his height isn't.... Basically, our kid is a touch taller than average (not sure how this happened!) but is overweight and has a massive head! Oh, and as if this wasn't enough we have been told that he is no longer to go in the Jumperoo (Mom's lifesaver and his favourite toy of all) because he's spent so much time in it that his calve muscles might not have formed right which is why he only stands on his tippy toes and not flat like he should be to help for walking later on. He might even need physio to fix the problem! Oh, and his hips might be out of line a bit as when he was laid on his tummy the rolls in his bum cheeks weren't symmetrical!
To cap off a great appointment Calum decided to bash his head on the nurses' desk causing her to run off for a cold compress, me to look like a bad Mom and Calum to get his first ever bruise smack dab in the middle of his forehead (as kind of seen in the photo above). Looks like our little boy is going to be quite the bruiser, literally!
Happy 9 mos today to my cheeky little monkey. To celebrate he kept us up from midnight until 3 a.m. last night. Like Daddy, he knows how to party like a rock star. Happy Sunday!