So we made it past the first 4 weeks and we're still in one piece! I honestly couldn't tell you where time has gone, I really hope it slows down soon or else these babies are going to be grown up before I know it.
Admitedly the first month was always going to be the easiest, Mark had time off work for paternity leave, we spent a good portion of it in the hospital (Evan didn't come home until day 12) and because they were premature, the babies were likely to sleep a lot (even now they are probably sleeping 21 hours or so a day!). I think most nights I'm managing to get about 6 hours of (broken) sleep which is a lot more then I could have ever hoped for. Oh, and the wine I'm now able to drink has really made things a lot easier, too!
Babies are having bottles of expressed milk every 4 hours and pretty soon I am going to be switching them to formula as I just can't bear to spend 3+ hours a day attached to that pump anymore. Long term I knew it would be a challenge to keep up the breastfeeing so I'm happy that in the end they will have about 2 months of my milk and am not going to beat myself up for not continuing it for the 6 months they advise here in the UK-if I only had them I probably would, but it just isn't realistic when you have a toddler and things to do!
Evan is still the more chilled out one, although if you try to sneak a dummy (pacifier) in when it's time to eat he goes a little mental and has already shown that temper that Calum has.... Sienna is harder work but as the midwife said, nothing wrong with a strong personality. They were weighed last on Tuesday and Sienna is up to 5 lbs 4 oz, Evan is 5 lbs 12 oz so slowly she's catching up and with the way she eats, I won't be surprised if that happens soon.
We've managed to go up to London with the family, to Greenwich Park for a day and I have taken the twins out several times on my own. I have yet to go out with all 3 alone, that will be the real test!
Otherwise we're managing pretty well, Calum has been an amazing big brother which has really made things easier for us-he loves to help feed the babies and has kissed Sienna (his favourite) so many times he managed to pass his cold on to her, the first of many I'm sure!
So after all of this, I've probably jinxed myself and set us up for a nightmare in month two but all in all, I think I expected things to be much harder then they are-I'm even managing to make dinner most nights! Looking forward to my Mom's visit (she comes Thursday) and again, appreciate all of your calls, cards, presents and etc.-we're lucky to have you! x
PS-Sorry about the layout, still having issues with posting and moving pics from my laptop....
So glad things are going well - you are a super mom! They are so precious!
Jen - your babies are beautiful! Congrats again!
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