Friday 27 August 2010

A Boy's Boy

Calum was 16 months old on Tuesday and as he enters toddlerhood he is no longer a baby but a true "boy's boy". Up until now I haven't noticed much difference between what he's into and what our baby girlfriends are into but in the last couple of weeks he's really started to show a true affinity for cars, beating people up, making a mess, and a few other things characterised with being a boy/man (is there a difference?!).

Case in point? Calum's favourite thing to do in the kitchen while I'm cooking is push the chairs from one end to the other, not an easy feat considering the kitchen is about 20 feet long. Once he's got a chair on one end he will usually try to push his high chair over for a chair party and has even tried to push me over on the bench. His strength amazes me.

Chair pushing
Last week we received a package from my Mom, always a treat since it's guaranteed to include a few issues of Cooking Light, a bag or two of Jolly Ranchers and Sour Patch Kids (gold dust since we can't get them here) and treats for Mr. Spoiled himself (I passed him the title when he entered the world, from one only child to another!). When we were in Seattle my Mom gave Calum a fire truck he could ride around on and no surprise with all the shopping we did, we couldn't fit it in the luggage back home so she sent it in our package and he's not taken his butt off the thing since! Within a day he learned how to steer it around and go backwards and forwards. Pretty cute although it might be hindering his walking as he's still not taken any more then a couple of steps since Aug. 18th (the day he took his first ever unaided steps!).
My clever boy also finally realised the stairs are made for climbing. Within about 3 seconds flat he can get from the bottom to the top which is pretty impressive considering there are 13 stairs in total and a landing in between! Not great for us though as we have not one, but two flights of stairs and the stairs going up to the 3rd floor are narrow, windy and particularly fun to climb.
Victorious after a stair climb
In action
What else do boys do? They watch football of course! By accident I discovered that at certain times in the day Calum will sit with me and watch tv (the only time I can get a real cuddle, priceless) and I caught Mark and Calum watching the Spurs play in the Championship League the other night. Mark has looked forward to watching football with Calum for ages and I realised this is actually going to be a bonus for me as maybe he will finally stop asking me to watch the games!

Watching football
We took Calum down to Brighton last weekend and he got to go on his first ride, worth every penny of the 50 pence, and I took him last Friday to Greenwich Park where we played in the sand pit and enjoyed our last day of "summer vacation" (I had two weeks off work while my mother in law was in Portugal on holiday). We've been busy putting the finishing touches on the house now that the big stuff is done, pictures to come soon. Work has picked up and I've had a pretty good month so let's hope it continues. This weekend marks the end of the summer here in the UK and is a 3 day "bank holiday weekend". We're off on a date tomorrow (YAY!), and then plan to spend Sunday doing odd jobs around the house (now that we have a house to do them in!). Hope you enjoy yours, more soon x
In the sand pit

With Sean at Greenwich Park

On the ride, notice Mark's FIRM grip!


Leah said...

He's such a stylish little man!! Sounds like you guys have been busy and having so much fun.

Tara Holmes said...

He is a boys boy for sure!! All Jackson delighted in on his birthday was pushing an upside down metal ice bucket down the sidewalk between the houses. The chair thing he does at school with me. They are so alike right now. Destined to be playmates. Love that fire truck.

Blyth Family Blog said...

Ha! Love that Miles isn't the only kid who beats kids up! What a great summer you've had with your boys. Sorry he's found the stairs, I hate when they do that!!