Today the babies (as we call them, never call them "the twins" for some reason) are two months old. We had their 8 week check up on Tuesday (Mark's Mum came with me) and Evan weighs a whopping 10 lbs 5 oz (from 5lbs 3 oz at birth) and Sienna weighs 8 lbs 5 oz (from 4 lbs 11 oz). Evan is still very chilled out, only getting upset when he eats-he has 5 oz bottles where Sienna has 3 or4 and as the doctor said, he really can't handle the 5 oz which is why he gets sick after each feed and has gripe. Sienna is very much a girl, so dainty and sweet-everything about her is different to my two boys at this age and I can't wait to see her grow up.
The night nanny, Sue, started last week and it's been great to have 3 nights a week of uninterrupted sleep. You forget the noise babies make when they are sleeping (much less how hard it can be to get out of bed for that 2 am feed)! The first night she came I was reluctant to give up the babies, even though they were only upstairs I felt like I was going to be missing out on time with them which is already going by too fast. Although that has changed once I experienced 8 consecutive hours of sleep! The days after she is here I feel like I can do anything, I've even braved two public outings-to the mall and the library, with all 3 kids and am feeling much more confident about getting out and about.
Calum continues to be a great big brother, helping me feed the babies their bottles, getting me bibs and etc. when I am feeding them and showering them with lots of kisses and cuddles (well, Sienna mostly). He's loving nursery and they are getting ready for their Christmas play-so cute to hear him singing the songs, he will be a shepherd and I'm really looking forward to it. Feeling so blessed to have these 3 in my life, I honestly haven't begrudged for one minute my new role and the extra work-it's so worth it x
I am so so pround of you Jen. You have taken this role of a Mom of 3 and rocked it. No complaining from you at all. Being a Mommy has come so naturally to you, and you are so darn good at it.
Goodness they are such cuties. And I agree with Ashley, you are a rockstar.
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